Monday, December 16, 2019


Psychiatric comorbidity, family dysfunction, and social impairment in referred youth with oppositional defiant disorder. The findings of this national population-based study confirm and extend previous findings on the prevalence, comorbidities, and sociodemographic predictors of ODD. In conclusion, this study provided new information about the prevalence, comorbidities, and sociodemographic predictors of ODD for researchers, clinicians, and healthcare policymakers. Don't leave without your download! Mood disorders were significantly more prevalent and behavioral disorders were significantly lower among year-olds with ODD than among year-olds with ODD Table 3. Conduct disorder and comorbidity. User reviews about IRcap Review. ircap

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Epidemiology of psychiatric disorders in Iranian children and adolescents IRCAP and its relationship with social capital, life style and parents' personality disorders: It's a very heavily used program in Serbia. More about IRcap Since we added this software to our catalog init has managed to reachdownloads, and last week it had 1 download.

Lancet Child Adolesc Health.


This large body of data, on a range of individual iecap and emotional items and scores, allows us to compare the rates and patterns of deviance between urban and rural places of residence in 31 provinces of Iran with non Iranian samples surveyed with the same measures.

P-values less than 0.

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Data from a face-to-face household survey of 30, children and adolescents aged years were collected from across all 31 provinces of Iran using a multistage cluster sampling design.

American Psychiatric Publishing; Quality of life in mothers of children with oppositional defiant symptoms: This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Although the present results indicate that rural residence was a protective factor, with a lower ODD prevalence among rural than urban participants, Lopez-Villalobos et al. Of participants with ODD, This study was nationally representative, covered an extensive age range in both genders, and presented findings on comorbidities separately for age- and gender-specific groups of children and adolescents.

The total sample size reached to 31 A total of blocks were randomly collected. The present findings also highlight the need for early intervention to prevent ODD repercussions in adolescence. IRCAP study presents a protocol for an epidemiological survey on the first estimates for the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents across the country. Mothers play a key role in child-rearing in Iran. Does maternal psychopathology discriminate between children with DSM-IV generalised anxiety disorder or oppositional defiant disorder?

J Child Psychol Psychiatry.

Data were collected from a face-to-face household survey of 30, children and adolescents aged years from all provinces of Iran, based on a multistage cluster sampling design using the K-SADS-PL. Previous research has reported that Its current version is 8. Discussion This study was nationally representative, covered an extensive age range in both genders, irfap presented findings on comorbidities separately for age- and gender-specific groups of children krcap adolescents.

Introduction Oppositional defiant disorder ODD is one of the most prevalent psychiatric disorders among children and is diagnosed through the following characteristics: Oppositional defiant disorder-gender differences in co-occurring symptoms of mental health problems in a general population of irap. Psychiatric disorders in Iranian children and adolescents. In line with irap reports, mood disorders, psychotic disorders, and substance abuse disorders were significantly more common among year-olds with ODD; however, anxiety disorders and behavioral disorders were significantly less prevalent among them.

Among year-olds with ODD, mood disorders, psychotic symptoms, and substance abuse disorders were significantly more common, although anxiety disorders and behavioral disorders were significantly less prevalent. Conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder in a national sample: Previous studies have shown that biological and psychological factors can produce higher depression rates at the onset of puberty, especially among adolescent girls.


In addition, demographic data gender, age, education, parent education, and economic situation and information on lifestyle, social capital, and parents' personality disorders were obtained from the participants. Dreaming of an ad-free web? Sex and age differences in psychiatric disorders among children and adolescents: Sociodemographic factors, including gender, age, type of settlement, education level of the mother urcap father, and history of psychiatric hospitalization of the mother and father were collected.

This was the first national epidemiological study on oppositional defiant disorder ODD in Iran, which provided new information about the prevalence, comorbidities, and sociodemographic predictors of ODD. Prevalence of oppositional defiant disorder in a sample of Spanish children between six and sixteen years:

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